Monsieur Duflot, viticulturist character in the film “A Good Year,” was ridicule because ‘sang to his vines. This however did not prevent Monsier Duflot from producing what was considered an excellent wine, much appreciated by collectors and sought by wine lovers. In a smaller scale, I too love to be different because I love to listen to the music of years past but yet so moving to me as I work each rows of our vineyards. As I prune each vine, as I move the terrain, as I check each grape, as I look at the sun filtering between each row we become one. It’s the music from my early childhood when I began to learn from my ancestors how to work the vineyards that is imbedded in my heart and accompanies me each day, like Joni Mitchell “Court and Spark”, 1974 Asylum, especially the song “People’s Parties” (, or David Crosby “If I could only remember my name”, 1971 Atlantic, or the song “Music is love” and “Laughing” (, by Jackson Browne ‘ not to mention “Late for the Sky”, 1974 Elektra / Asylum, especially the song from the title  itself ( If there is, and what are the effects of these musical notes on our vines, I do not know for certain. But I like to think that my soul it’s uplifted and I see and feel a greater harmony between myself and the earth. This can only produce a wonderful feeling, I am in full harmony!, after all, I am Living in the Sun…